Thursday, December 24, 2009

Photo of the Week

An early morning at Round Valley Reservoir!

Happy holidays to all!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Photo of the Week

Cedar Grove Brook, Somerset, NJ

I'm wishing it was not so cold out right now, so I chose this week's photo to remind me of a nice crisp fall day, rather than a frigid winter day.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rain, rain....

Peters Brook, Somerville, facing downstream towards Cliff St. bridge

Since we have an interest in the Peters Brook in Somerville for several projects, I took a trip out today after the rain had stopped to see what the Peters Brook looked like. By the time this photo was taken, the peak stage had already passed and the waters were receding. The Peters Brook over-topped its banks and was carry quite a bit of sediment. Most of this photograph is showing land that is now covered by the high flows of the stream.

Here's what this spot looks like in normal flows from the top of the bridge facing upstream (at Cliff Street, Somerville):

(taken December 2008)

The Peters Brook Greenway is a great way to spend some quality time with this stream!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Photo of the week

Here we have an example of streambank erosion along the Peters Brook in Somerville, NJ. Streambank erosion is a result of high velocity and/or high volume flows during rain events. The problem is compounded by impervious pavement and pipes that deliver stormwater to the stream before it can infiltrate or evapotranspirate. Homeowners can reduce stormwater runoff by installing a rain barrel or a rain garden.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Photo of the Week

Since it is December 1st, we decided we should set the winter mood with a little icy scene from the Delaware & Raritan Canal. Happy December!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Photo of the Week

Here's Assistant Watershed Protection Specialist Rick Anthes having a little fun at Round Valley Reservoir.

Photo by H. Barrett

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Photo of the Week

Spruce Run Reservoir, September 2009
Photo by H. Barrett

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ken's thought for the day

Visited the Freehold Soil Conservation District today. Very interesting discussion of sub-watershed approach to construction site review. They have a lot of good info on projects broken down spatially on a sub-watershed basis so a developer/inspector is aware of what's happening upstream and downstream of a particular project. Much more regional approach then you typically see - but still need to refine and institutionalize the approach.

Also, checked out the rain garden that we built with Rutgers Extension over the summer at the adjacent vo-tech school site (see picture above). It looks to be functioning well but we'll get a better sense of its success come spring.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Welcome to the blog of the New Jersey Water Supply Authority Watershed Protection Unit. Stay tuned for updates on our River Friendly Programs, field work, and other projects we are working on. Thanks for checking in with us!

-Heather & the WPU team